Monday, December 16, 2019


presentation of new work invited at Winter Follies Cecelia Schmidt

YOU MIGHT SHOW A SPANKING new work-in-progress, or something old and beloved from your

vast performance repertory. Maybe even something improvisational? A wild new solo? We love work that is

experimental as well as work that comes out of a well-honed tradition. Could be a solo or group

work. Whatever you choose to present, however, think minimal (read "zero") additional set-up and/

or strike time. Your 5 minutes includes walking on, performing, and then clearing off. Everything

else is fair game...

At the end of each show, the audience votes for the artist or group that they would like to see a

whole evening production of next year. The "People's Choice" grand prize winner at the end of

the weekend will receive 50 hours of free rehearsal space and a full weekend production at the

"new" Gowanus. To apply and submit application:

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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