Thursday, February 20, 2020

Part-time Audition Assistant

Ballet Tech Logo

Assistants needed to help Ballet Tech staff audition public school children for ballet scholarships.  Ideal applicants are extremely reliable, detail-oriented and should enjoy working with children 8-10 years of age.  We are looking for demonstrators to lead basic exercises (ballet training required) and non-dancers who speak well in front of groups, are articulate and energetic.  **Willingness and ability to drive audition team safely throughout the city a plus.**  Auditions begin in March.  Hours and number of shifts vary, but typically begin and end in Manhattan between 8:00am and 3:00pm.  Transportation to/from public schools is provided.  Pay rate is $16/hour and includes travel time.  Qualified applicants should email or fax 646-537-2629 – email/fax must include a cover letter for consideration.  No phone calls please.  For more information about Ballet Tech, please visit

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