Sunday, March 22, 2020

Show your work at DanceFest Milford

DanceFest Milford

 DanceFest Milford  - November 14th and 15th- is a new dance festival 2 hours outside NYC in Milford PA.

2020 will be the third year of this energetic dance festival in this quirky town.

We are inviting you and your dance company to perform any style of dance from 5-15 minutes works.

The performances will take place at our "Festival Hall" in an old church  ( St: Patricks Hall)  which has  been cleared out and now used for events. This is an "Alternative Space"   performance type since it is not on a traditional theater stage or floor.

 More information and photos will be sent to you in email after you submit your interest to participate.

Please send a video of the piece you would like to show. 

You will receive photos and a video of your performance for free.

Food will be provided to all performers and company members.

No compensation 

No application fee. 

*** The promo video is from last years festival which was held in a School auditorium / stage .( we are not using this stage for 2020)

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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5 dancers against a black background with haze

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