Thursday, March 26, 2020

FREE Skill Share Zoom Event

Black & white BEAT logo

BEAT Global is happy to announce our Skill Build & Chill Zoom Series! This week’s theme is Barter Thru BEAT: Share the skills you have, get the skills you need! This event is for artists and young professionals looking to barter their skills in a time of uncertainty. The event will be hosted by a BEAT staff member who will guide the conversation so that everyone has an opportunity to express their needs. 

Prior to the event BEAT will compile a list of needs and a list of what skills/goods/services people are able to offer. Categories will be sent out to all selected participants so that you know what to expect. If none of the categories apply to your needs, please let us know. 

Each participant must be able to offer a skill/good/service in exchange for any skill/good/service received. Ex: An accountant with graphic design needs can offer the graphic designer a Quickbooks Tutorial. 

OR You’re welcome to offer a skill/good/service without needing anything in return. 

Please complete the below questionnaire in order to attend our virtual Happy Hour event. Each participant will be alloted 2 minutes to introduce themselves and pitch their needs. 

This event is FREE but there are only 25 slots available per session. We will review questionnaires on a first come, first served basis. Sign up today! (ALL artforms/careers welcomed)

We’re in this together and hope this platform allows for artists and administrators to continue their important work! 

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