Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Seeking male performer for new choreo-play

Image of cullen+them company performing onstage. Em Watson

cullen+them is seeking a new male-identifying performer to hire immediately for our new project DECADOSE, a choreo-play addressing the effects of isolated living on our ability to connect with one another. Learn more about the project here: https://cullenandthem.org/performance/decadose-excerpts-at-92y/

Audition will be held Thursday March 12th from 1:30-4:30pm 

Please RSVP by emailing engage@cullenandthem.org with headshot and resume. You will then be contacted with further information regarding location and timing.

As this is a movement-theater work, we are seeking performers who have experience and comfortability with acting as well as dancing. After RSVPing, you will receive sides in preparation for the audition date. 

Below are our weeks of rehearsal, please review and note any conflicts you may have before RSVPing. While some level of flexibility is possible, being involved in this project will require availablity during the dates listed below. 

Rehearsal weeks: 

March 16th - 21st approx. 1-5pm daily with some variation

May 11th - 18th approx. 12-4 daily with some variation 

August 2nd - 11th Residency week out of town

October 2020 - regular rehearsals to be scheduled 

SHOW WEEK: November 9th-14th 

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5 dancers against a black background with haze


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