Friday, April 24, 2020
Post / Future Performance Festival
Company: Proteo Media + Performance
Compensation: Donations split between participating artists

Proteo Media seeks artists to participate in the inaugural season of the Post / Future Performance Festival! This festival, held online, brings together artists and audiences to examine our unknown futures and the role and importance of art at this critical cultural juncture.
Please submit a proposal using the following form to apply to be a part of the Festival running June 1-30th, 2020:
Open Call Due: May 3rd, 11:59pm
Artists Notified: May 8th, 11:59pm
The festival will include many forms including but not limited to dance, interviews, video art, text, images, virtual conversations, and other forms of connection and expression. Each artist is invited to think broadly about how to imagine a creative work within the limitations of a web page.
P/FPF has 4 conceptual themes organizing the festival, with 6-10 works of art and activities under each theme. The first, "Structures/Forms" asks about the role of structures, forms, and organizational ideas in our concepts of the future. Next, "Empathy" considers touch, connection and human emotion. "Digital Identities" examines how we negotiate, define, and defend ourselves in the digital sphere. Finally "Post Futures" considers how we can imagine the future in the wake of instability and global change.
The festival will be hosted on June 1-30th, 2020. Each theme will have its own opening release:
Structures/Forms opens June 1st
Empathy opens June 5th
Digital Identities opens June 8th
Post-Futures opens June 12th
Following each opening, the archives will remain available on until June 30th, 2020.
The festival’s contents are free, but audience members will be encouraged to donate to support the artists. All donations will be split between participating artists.
Email for any questions.
Proteo Media + Performance
For more information:
Bree Breeden