Monday, May 11, 2020

Calling all NYU Tisch Dance Alumni for 2020's (remote!) Tisch Dance Alumni Choreographic Mentorship with Gus Solomons, Jr. !


*To be clear, this opportunity is only for Alumni of NYU's Tisch Dance Department. The intention of posting on Dance/NYC, which obviously serves the greater dance community, is not to be exclusive, but to cast the widest possible net in finding alumni whose current contact information may not be on file*

That said:


Treasured Alumni!!!!!!!!!!!

For the past two years, Tisch Dance’s Alumni Choreographic Mentorship has taken on a radically new format, condensing its meetings from once a month throughout the Spring Semester to once a week during the NYU Tisch Summer Dance Residency Festival.

As COVID-19 has left no stone unturned in changing life as we’ve known it, the Mentorship, intent on continuing, will, in the spirit of its malleable nature, take on the remote form we’ve all (been) come (-ing) to know.

In keeping with upholding social distancing, this year’s Mentorship will focus (for the first time) on solo work. Harnessing limitation to inspire invention, we will additionally be leaning heavily into the site-responsive possibilities provided by our living and (safely navigable) outdoor spaces.


“Yeaaaah, but what’s in it for me?”


Six (mandatory) weekly sessions with former Tisch Dance composition professor extraordinaire, living legend, and all-around superhuman Gus Solomons, Jr. as Mentor for a fifth year of rigorous choreographic nourishment on the following dates:


 Saturdays: May 30,

                June 6, 13, 20, 27

 Friday: July 3

held, via Zoom, from 10am – 1pm EST.


Sessions will consist of getting to know each other, outlining process goals, showing work in progress, giving/receiving/implementing feedback, development consultation, and discussing ideas and concerns generated by the work as situated in the time with which we are all grappling.

WHAT’S MORE – As long as we are remote, Tisch Dance Alumni far and wide are eligible to partake (time zone permitting)!



Please respond to Director Jonathan Matthews at with your Name, Degree (BFA/MFA), Graduating Year, and who your Composition Teachers were during your time at Tisch Dance.

Acceptance is on a first come/first serve basis, with the intention of each of the 9(ish) selected participants being the sole representative of their cohort. Several slots, however, will be available to the current graduating class.


I am continually honored to be able to invite generations of Tisch Dancers to return to their alma mater (even remotely) for what promises to be a rich and supportive time for all involved!



Jonathan Matthews

Director, Tisch Dance Alumni Choreographic Mentorship

BFA, 2014


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A Black woman is arching back with her arms creating a v. She is wearing a black short sleeve tee shirt with a long black skirt. Here skin is the color of amber & her natural hair is black with golden brown highlights.


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There are two different photos taken by Elyse Mertz: the left photo is from The ChoreoJoey Project & the right photo is Janet Aisawa & Osamu Uehara/Ai Dance Theater.

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