Monday, June 29, 2020

Dance On Campaign


Art is a voice for change. Now more than ever we must protect it.
Dance On is a campaign that aims to raise awareness, call for the support of the arts, and bring dancers together by giving them a platform to perform through a virtual dance project. If you are a dancer who would like to participate visit the Dance On website for more information and please consider donating to your local dance school and company and/or look into the various links on the Dance On website.

I started this campaign to protect my artform. In times of economic and social unrest such as these the arts are at the frontlines of budget cuts and are the first to be dismissed as non-essential spending by the government. The economic effects of the Coronavirus pandemic have been devastating to the art world, especially the performing arts such as dance. The whole dance world has been incapacitated by Covid-19, and while some states and countries are slowly re-opening, until we have a vaccine this is not over! Dancers will continue to be unable to practice their craft, choreographers are not able to create, and we will not perform to audiences. As a dancer and choreographer, I cannot let my artform die!

There are many issues to focus on right now, and this campaign acknowledges the widespread calls for systemic change in the U.S. and around the world and stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. This pandemic as well as the defunding of the arts will more than likely disproportionately affect artists of color. The arts should be a vessel for all to express themselves. This campaign aims to support dancers of all backgrounds. The arts can be a beacon of hope and voice for change that is especially important in times like these. The dance community must come together to ensure the survival of our art form and help keep all of our voices heard. So please share this campaign, participate if you can, and Dance On!

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