Tuesday, June 23, 2020
MCT Online Repertory Workshop: July 13, 15 & 17, 2:15pm-4pm
Company: Merce Cunningham Trust
Location: New York, NY
Compensation: Free to participate

A Three Day Cunningham Repertory Workshop
led by Jennifer Goggans, Jamie Scott and Andrea Weber
Online sessions will be July 13, 15 & 17th, 2020
Join us for a free, three-day online workshop designed for small spaces. The workshop will include material from three of Merce Cunningham's works and will be offered to a limited number of dancers. Each session will take place on Zoom from 2:15pm- 4pm EDT.
Workshop Schedule:
Monday, July 13th - Phrases from Changing Steps with Jennifer Goggans
Wednesday, July 15th - Phrases from Squaregame with Jamie Scott
Friday, July 17th - Phrases from CRWDSPCR with Andrea Weber
Please contact jgoggans@mercecunningham.org for more information and registration.
Merce Cunningham Trust
130 West 56th Street Suite 707
New York, NY, 10019
For more information:
Jennifer Goggans