Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Arts Management Training Fellowship: Call for Artistic Entities

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Growing out of our 2019 pilot, Arts Management Training Program, and our long-running Internship Program (Cultivating Leadership in Dance), the Arts Management Training Fellowship provides year-long fellowships for two administrators of color specializing in development and marketing respectively. This program is aimed at cultivating the next generation of arts leaders who will steer the field towards increased equity and access.

The Fellows work over the course of a year on marketing or development projects in conjunction with Pentacle staff as well as directly with two performing arts companies looking to build their administrative capacities. Each Fellow works with a mentor, receives professional development workshops including anti-racism training, attends important field-wide convenings, and produces a final self-directed research project on a topic of their choice. 

Call for Artistic Entities seeking Marketing or Development assistance

Pentacle seeks two artistic entities to host a Fellow for six months from October 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 during Phase 2 of the program. Phase 2 of the Fellowship matches each of the Fellows with an artistic entity looking to build their operational capacity in either marketing or development activities. The Fellows will work directly for the artistic entity throughout the six months for 15 hours/week following a work plan developed collaboratively between Pentacle’s Education & Outreach staff, the Fellow and the artistic entity. Pentacle’s staff will provide project support if necessary and engage in regular check-ins with both parties. Currently all work will be remote.

There is a nominal fee of $1,000 for artistic entities to participate. The Fellows’ annual salary of $25,000 will continue to be paid by Pentacle. BIPOC-led artistic entities are encouraged to apply. Meet our two Fellows on our website

Apply online by Monday, August 10. For more information or questions please contact Education & Outreach Associate, Rebecca Fitton at .

Guidelines for interested artistic entities:

- Prior experience working with interns or Fellows

- Both individuals and incorporated companies are eligible

- No budget size requirement

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