Monday, August 17, 2020

Cross Move Lab Improv Jam Friday 8/21

Cross Move Lab Improv Jam 8/21

Dear Dancers,

You are invited to join us from wherever you are around the globe for our tenth, free, improv jam No Time Zone on Friday, August 21st! This week, we have a special improv jam planned. We are happy to announce guest artist, Liao Shuyi (Candy), will be the leader of our jam accompanied by live music from composer Tie Yann.

A prolific member of the improvisation community, Liao Shuyi is a Contact Improv dancer, Theatre Director, performer, "Beijing Contact Improvisation" (BJCI) / "Touch Contact Improvisation Art Festival" co-founder, and Urban Body Nomadic Project co-founder and Artistic Director. After graduating from Beijing Dance Academy, she obtained a Master of Arts degree from Queensland University of Technology. Enthusiastic about movement research, her experience of Contact Improvisation is applied to performances, performer training, theatre directing, and community communication.

Composer, Tie Yann, is an Original Singer and the founder of the art project, Voice of Earth, created to record and spread the beauty, diversity, and change in different landscapes and human groups around the world by field recording and photographing. Additionally, Yann is a Contact Improvisation dancer, painter, animation creator, photographer, and writes articles about ethnomusicology. As a composer, she has scored for films, theater works, animation films, and her own albums.

How can you join this event? Please register by emailing us at with your first and last name, country you reside in, and dance company (if applicable). Registration will be open until Thursday at 6PM EST.

What:    No Time Zone, an improv jam
When:   Fridays at 10AM EST
Where:  Zoom
Why:     To stay connected
*All levels welcomed*

Cross Move Lab

If you would like to lead one of our improv jams, please let us know!

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