Friday, August 21, 2020

Cross Move Lab Improv Jam Friday 8/28

Cross Move Lab Improv Jam Friday 8/28


You are invited to join us from wherever you are around the globe to our free, improv jam No Time Zone on Friday, August 28th! This week, we are happy to introduce guest artist Mei Yamanaka as the leader of our jam.

Mei is a dancer and choreographer from Japan. In 2008, she moved to New York City. She has worked and collaborated with artists including Catherine Galasso, Tiffany Mills, Mark Dendy, Jennifer Archibald, Christine Bonansea, and Jody Oberfelder, among others. Her work has been seen at Fresh Tracks at New York Live Arts, Movement Research at Judson Church, Mix Festival at HERE, Food for Thought at Danspace, and more. In 2010-2011, Mei was a "Fresh Tracks" residency artist at Dance Theater Workshop (now New York Live Arts). And, in 2014, Mei was a residency artist at Chez Bushwick.

We are excited to have Mei facilitate our improv jam this week and hope you will join us! How can you register? Please email us at with your first and last name, country you reside in, and dance company (if applicable). Registration will be open until Thursday at 6PM EST.

What:    No Time Zone, an improv jam
When:   Fridays at 10AM EST
Where:  Zoom
Why:     To stay connected
*All levels welcomed*

Cross Move Lab

If you would like to lead one of our improv jams, please let us know!

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