Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Dance Gap Year 150-Hour Virtual Certificate Program — UN International Council of Dance

Dance Gap Year Ashley Menestrina & Aaron Gregory

Dance Gap Year (DGY), certified by the UN International Council of Dance, is the first & only gap year program for professional dancers. This unique program is designed for dancers/choreographers at any stage in their career who wish to bring their craft and artistry to the next level. Based around each participants' unique interests & goals, DGY grants participants access to unlimited virtual classes per week with renowned instructors all over the world in a diverse array of disciplines while hosting regular meetings on Zoom for small group & 1:1 mentorship. Our Global Dance Educators come from acclaimed institutions including ABT, Martha Graham, NYU, SUNY Purchase & Alvin Ailey as well as some of LA/NY's most sought-after dancers & choreographers from the contemporary, street dance & commercial world.

In addition to honing their craft and technique, DGY participants take Embodied Entrepreneurship (Business 101 for Dancers) with Founder/Director Dominique Robinson and work on building a strong portfolio with Movement Director/Choreographer Zoe Rappaport in order to become a more Empowered Dancer. Students must complete a final project (i.e. virtual performance, choreography and/or dance film) to receive a certificate from the UN International Council of Dance.

The 150-Hr DGY Virtual Certificate Program is a great opportunity for dancers of all backgrounds who are interested in many styles of movement. If you are a dancer, choreographer or educator whose interests cross-over and/or transcend concert, commercial, college or conservatory — this is a wonderful program for you.

*Post-COVID19 when we are able to travel and gather again, an in-person component will be added to the certificate program. Students who have been learning virtually will have the opportunity to come together for a 10-day immersive live dance experience — Location TBD!


1. Book a free 30 minute session to speak to us about your dance interests, needs, etc. and we will help you reach your goals: https://calendly.com/dancegapyear/30min

2. If DGY is a good fit, please submit your application: https://www.dancegapyear.com/admissions-process

3. We understand the financial challenges that have come during such sensitive times. We have payment plans for 3/6/9 months. You can view pricing at https://www.dancegapyear.com/dgyfees

DEADLINE to apply for Fall 2020 Cohort: September 6th, 2020 at 11:59pm EST

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