Saturday, October 31, 2020

7MPR Themed Dance Theater 2020: The Third Midnight Virtual Performance (Deadline: 9/20)

7MPR Second Midnight Virtual Performance, Choreographer: Mignolo Dance, August 1st, 2020 Christine Abbate

7Midnights Physical Research: Themed Dance Theater


7Midnights Physical Research is dedicated to the exploration of 7 social issues: Class, Education, Ability, Sexuality, Race, Age, Gender. The Third Midnight Halloween Performance will take place on October 30th, 2020. Each Midnight Performance will cover two or more than three topics of these social issues through dance and music. Works will express one or more themes of the seven social problems aligning with  their thinking of dance and society.


7MPR Virtual Performance 2020

7MPR Themed Dance Theater-The third Midnight Performance will be on October 30 as a  virtual performance. Based on the situation of COVID, we decide to cancel any application fee during the pandemic, so we hope artists can join our performances with their indoor or outdoor  works, in this way, the performance will be more like a “ Muti-space performance.” Wherever artists want to showcase their works: kitchen, garden, garage, car, bed, table, floor, rooftop, bathroom or tub……, YES, there are many options and fun ideas come up with our strong artistry and wisdom during the hard time of COVID-19.  

Notes: If you also  want to share any video works you have done, like dance film, dance, song, poem, music work, please make sure they were made this year or recently. Videos made last year or before 2019 will not be the perfect option for the theme of 2020 as we are all experiencing different issues caused by COVID-19 now. Please directly send your video files to us via wetransfer, google drive, or dropbox.


Logistics of 7MPR Themed Dance Theater Program

7-8 artists’ works will be accepted. Each work will be no longer than 10mins (around 8mins will be perfect). Suggested donation to 7MPR Midnights Performance Series, PauPal Link: PayPal.Me/7mpr or Venmo: @Jiali-Wang-5


How to Apply for 7MPR Themed Dance Theater Performance

Applicants will receive an Application Form after contacting us by email: . Artists will be asked to fill out basic information about their proposed works. Video files are required for artists who are going to submit video works for their application.


7MPR Themed Dance Theater Program – Performance Dates 2020

The First Midnight on June 12, 2020 (COVID-19 NYC Pride & Black Lives Matter)

The Second Midnight on August 1, 2020 (COVID-19 Summer Dance & Music)

The Third Midnight on October 30, 2020 (COVID-19 Halloween Night)

The 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, Midnight (TBD)


About the topics of 7MPR Themed Dance Theater Performances

“Dark Lip”- Gender

“Falling Apple”- Sexuality

“Milk Bottle”- Education

“Moon Coin”- Class

“Cloud Balloon”- Ability

“Gray Bubble”- Race

“Tiny Wings”- Age



Suggested Donation: $10-20


(Venmo: @Jiali-Wang-5)


If interested, please follow us:


Instagram: 7mpr_themeddancetheater



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