Monday, February 15, 2021
Applications Open! Summer 2021 Arts Residencies at SMUSH Gallery

SMUSH Gallery is hosting Summer 2021 Arts Residencies! This residency program offers artists of all disciplines space for studio work, rehearsal, performance, and exhibition in our beautiful storefront art space. Artists receive access to the space throughout July and August, plus use of gallery equipment and publicity support. This program is run in line with our a??Mission, Vision, and Anti-Racist and Equity Commitmentsa??; BIPOC and LGBTQ+ artists are especially encouraged to apply!
Residencies are available the weeks of:
July 5, July 12, July 19, July 26, August 2, August 9, and August 16.
Artists may apply for one to three weeks of residency time; residencies run on a weekly basis and begin on Mondays. The minimum residency period is one week.
Applications are accepted from February 15 - April 1, 2021. Decisions will be announced by April 30, 2021. Dates for confirmation and return of contracts will be communicated on acceptance.
Info Sheet and Application are available at
Thank you! We look forward to your application.
SMUSH Gallery
340 Summit Ave`
Jersey City, NJ, 07306
For more information: