Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Moving Bodies In Frame_ Virtual Workshop by Andrea Lerner

A mysterious landscape of the body. still from Eskaziser_chameckilerner


New virtual workshop by Andrea Lerner.

Presented by Movement Research

Workshop: 8 classes of 90 min

Every Friday from 1:00 to 2:30 PM (eastern time)

Starting Date: March 5        Ending Date: April 13th

Workshop fee: $120

For details and Registration: https://movementresearch.org/event/15519

Moving Bodies in Frame focuses on "why and how" to convey a choreographic idea into a filmic practice, and how the encounter between moving images and moving bodies can expand the development of a choreographic language beyond live performance.

The vital examination relies on these fundamental questions: How are you positioning your work in relation to these two fields — historically, aesthetically, conceptually? Is there a broad and thorough blending of concepts, philosophy, process, and tools?

To help with these fundamental questions  this course will introduce the participants to the history of video/experimental film, analyzing a variety of works from the early experimental films made in the '20s and '30s, to the pioneer video art made in the '60s and '70s, moving to contemporary videos and installations, and finally, addressing the opportunities offered by the new platforms available in this moment in time. 
Participants will have a series of hands-on exercises and assignments suggested every week, individually and/or in groups. These exercises explore concepts of framing, camera movement, planes, deconstruction of space and time, the relationship between camera movement and body movement, special effects, post-production, installation, etc.

The class welcomes choreographers, performers, filmmakers, photographers, cinematographers, media artists, or anyone interested in this process. Camera will not be necessary; all assignments can be done with participant's phones.

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