Sunday, February 28, 2021

Online Casting for Swiss dance production TOUCH ISOLATION: Deadline extended till March 14!

This image shows Chris and Marcel, the artistic directors of the project. Silvia Rohrbach

Swiss artistic duo Schwald/Leuenberger are looking for male* US-American dancers with different cultural backgrounds for a documentary dance production about masculinities* that will premiere in Switzerland in November 2021. Rehearsals take place in Switzerland and Germany from 16 August - 12 September 2021 and 18 October - 16 November 2021. Shows from 17 - 21 November plus 7 - 12 December and March 2022.

We are looking for a broad range of experiences growing up and becoming men in the United States. We specifically and cordially invite all masculinities* on the gender spectrum to feel welcome auditioning! And we especially encourage Asian, Black, Latino and Native American men* to send in their submissions! Candidates should have a solid dance background, be able to pick up choreography easily and be interested in examining and deconstructing their own relationship to male* gender performance.

If interested, please send us at least 1 short dance video showcasing your skills and a short video message in wich you talk a little about yourself: Who are you, where and how did you grow up and what is your relationship to masculinity*? along with a headshot and your resume to

Send your materials until Sunday, March 14, 2021! (extended deadline) 

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