Saturday, May 8, 2021

Artichoke Dance Company Seeks July Intern

An image of a group of dancers wearing costumes made from recycled plastics, hold up a singular dancer in the air.

Artichoke Dance Company is a national leader in eco-arts performance and climate action. Based in New York City, we are known for innovative and engaging performances paired with environmental activism, education, community building and civic engagement. Artichoke was founded in 1995 and has held eighteen New York seasons and toured nationally and internationally.

This internship will offer hands-on experience in arts administration, marketing, social media, production, community building and environmental activism. Artichoke Dance Company will be producing an interactive performance tour in July 2021 called Just Gowanus that will require diligent planning and advertisement that will give the intern extraordinary professional experience. The ideal candidate will have relevant experience and interest in arts administration, marketing, and/or community engagement and organizing and be available to help with production-related tasks during the Just Gowanus tour, happening July 3rd-18th. Aside from performance events, some intern responsibilites can be done remotely and on their own schedules. This is an unpaid opportunity.

Interested candidates should email a resume and brief paragraph that details your interest in this internship with Artichoke Dance Company. Send your materials to Lindsey Jennings at with the Subject Line: “Internship Application” by June 1st.

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