Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Yu.S.Artistry audition

Yu.S.Artistry audition 2021 Alison Armfield from One Day Dance

New York based contemporary dance company Yu.S.Artistry will hold an audition 6/17 6:30-8:30pm or 6/18 4-6pm

Because of the limited capacity of the studio space, we can invite only 10 dancers each day.

Please email to yuki1983.yi@gmail.com along with your resume to book your spot.


Yu.S.Artistry aims to discover fluid, but powerful and unique imagery based on

Yuki’s background - ballet to Break dance.


Within Yuki’s method we respect each performer’s artistic voices in performances.

We do not narrow the possibility by only one directions.

We keep explore new possibilities of performing arts.


You can check our reels here.



We are a project based company. Performances are stipend, but not a lot. We are trying to get sponsors and grants, but not have any yet. We are looking for collaborators who is interested in exploring dance and growing together.

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