Monday, July 19, 2021

SCDT Call for Submissions! WIP XVII XVIII


School for Contemporary Dance and Thought presents...

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: WIP(works-in-progress) FALL 2021!
works-in-progress, submissions DUE August 15th



The School for Contemporary Dance and Thought presents WIP (works-in-progress), a performance series that showcases developing movement-based works on Sunday afternoons. WIP values sharing research and experimentation, rather than presenting finished works, and welcomes applications from emerging and established artists.

The curatorial team choosing WIP choreographers is composed of fellow dance artists located in the Pioneer Valley. We are looking to create performances showcasing a diverse range of established and emerging artists, as well as those local to the valley and beyond. 

a??Students are eligible to apply, but priority will be given to artists who are not currently enrolled in a degree-granting program. Preference will also be given to those who have not yet shown in the WIP series. 

We ask that works presented in WIP do not exceed 15 minutes.
WIP is curated by a rotating team of working choreographers and movement artists.
BIG thanks to our past curators, Meredith Bove, Mary Beth Brooker, Dante Brown, Sofia Engelman, Lesley Farlow, Nikki Lee, Kate Martel, Katie Martin, Madison Palffy, Kate Seethaler, Cat Wagner, and Lailye Weidman!

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