Saturday, August 14, 2021

Dance Audition Assistant

dance audition assistant Ms. Tonya

Hello Dancers,


      I’m looking for an assistant to help with my dance auditions next week Saturday, August 21st at 1130 am as my regular assistant has a family matter to tend to.  This is a temporary assignment with the option to earn an extra $50 and the opportunity to participate in future assignments!  Please see the responsibilities below and only apply if you are available on Saturday, August 21st at 1130am.



-temperature check the auditionees and record in excel sheet (very important, because if my company gets audited they will need to see proof that I took these necessary steps)

-check vaccination card, auditionees must show proof of vaccination, this is a requirement of Ripley Grier Studios

-Provide masks, I have clear disposable masks for the dancers to see their facial expressions during the audition

-provide assigned audition numbers, every auditionee has an assigned number that you will provide for them to wear on their outfits.

-provide hats to the auditionees after the warm up


Optional (lead audition dance) 

If you have jazz dance experience I will teach you the dance prior to the audition for you to lead during the audition process for the dancers.  The pay is $50/hr of rehearsal which will take place on Wednesday, August 18th which we will coordinate together on.  Once I’m done teaching the hat technique you will teach the dance portion.


If you are interested please apply via the website at  Please do not send me applications via my email address as this will have you disqualified for not following instructions.  


Thank you for your interest and I look forward to collaborating with you!


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La Mama in association with Chen Dance Center presents H.T. Chen & Dancers January 24-26

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