Monday, August 9, 2021

Talent Contest Auditions

Young Dancers at Talent Contest

Seeking young performers for our Talent Contest

Performers between the ages of 7-22 are wanted! All art forms welcome.

One entry per group and keep your audition piece to under 3 minutes.

Semi-finalists will participate in a final competition during Mind-Builders Open House Street Festival, Saturday, September 18, from 2-4pm.

Sign up to select a time to visit Mind-Builders Creative Arts Center and audition for our Open House Street Festival Talent Show!

Available Times:
Friday, August 13, 3-7 p.m.
Saturday, August 21,1-5 p.m.
Saturday, September 4,1-5 p.m

Questions? Contact Us!

Open House Street Festival is on September 18! The audience determines the winner! Bring your friends on September 18 to makes some noise!


Melvada Hughes, Dance Department Director or Waldo Chavez, Music Department Director or



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