Thursday, September 30, 2021

Accessibility Specialist

National Endowment for the Arts logo with white text on black background

Deadline October 6! The National Endowment for the Arts Office of Accessibility will fill the position of Accessibility Specialist, with an application window of September 28 – October 6, 2021. This position is permanent, full-time, and located in Washington DC. (Agency staff are currently working under a maximized telework schedule, and employees will be expected to work in the office, with some telework flexibility, once it is determined safe to do so.) 

This position will be only open to those who are Schedule A eligible. This means that it is only open to those with severe physical, psychiatric or mental disability that qualifies you for Schedule A Disability appointment. If eligible, you must submit with your application proof of disability with appropriate medical documentation, i.e., a letter signed by a licensed medical professional or licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist stating your condition and restrictions.

Anyone interested, and who is schedule A eligible and meets the criteria for a GS 11-12, should register with USA Jobs and secure your Schedule A documentation so that you can apply between September 28 – October 6. NOTE: This previously-posted position has been re-opened due to an administrative error. Previous applicants are encouraged to reapply. 

Here is a brief position description:

-Serve as Accessibility Specialist in the arts and accessibility field;
-Assist with advocacy and technical assistance efforts for making the arts available to individuals with disabilities, older adults, and people living in institutions, including correctional institutions, hospitals, long-term care, and rehabilitation facilities.
-Assist in developing and implementing a wide variety of projects with grantees, State and Regional Arts Agencies, other Federal agencies, and organizations that represent older Americans, people with disabilities, and institutionalized individuals.
-Develop a wide variety of resource material to educate and assist the field concerning arts accessibility, including online materials, print materials, and trainings.
-Research and stay up to date with electronic accessibility standards and requirements to help comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.
-Manage communication, tracking, and technical assistance efforts with State Arts Agencies and Regional Arts Organization Accessibility Coordinators concerning awareness of accessibility requirements for their agencies and their constituents.

To apply, go to the position announcement on the USA Jobs website: 

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