Monday, November 15, 2021

Festival in France

Halle aux Grain Theater

The International Choreographic Festival of Blois (Blois Danse) will take place in Blois, France, from June 30th to July 3rd 2022, at the prestigious historical 630-seat theatre : la Halle aux Grains.

The festival is looking for 5 dance companies to present their work at the festival.

This festival is a great opportunity for companies to gain exposure (massive media coverage : TV, radio, press...), network and present their work in France.

All dance techniques are welcome. Both emerging and established companies/choreographers can apply.

Each company will perform twice (different pieces). Pieces must have a maximum duration of 25min

The festival provides to all companies :
-up to 100€/dancer to support travelling costs
-Accommodation for all dancers
-Pictures and videos from the performances
-Press coverage (the 2021 edition of the festival included written press/TV/Radio)
-Gala evening with sponsors, press, officials, theatre programmers
-Free pass to attend festival events
-Opportunity to teach 2 master classes 

You can find all information and application guidelines on our website :

We look forward to welcoming you in France !

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