Monday, January 24, 2022

Physical Listening + Dance Differently LABs

Dancers sharing space in an outdoor barn during a Physical Listening LAB.

The Equus Projects are currently looking for dancers for their 2022 Spring/Summer Season. The “Physical Listening” And “Dance Differently” LABs are the best way to get acquainted with JoAnna Mendl Shaw’s work and to be considered for the company. To inquire please email or visit

*Physical Listening LABs are recurring Mondays 12 - 2 pm EST virtually on Zoom. $15-$30. Pay what you can.

Physical Listening LABs are somatic practices that sharpen our noticing and creative decision-making-skills. A truly unconventional journey into a shared creative process in a virtual space; for curious minds and thinkers. We'd love to intice you into totally inventive ways of using your hands and feet. Exploring tasks like tossing a scarf in the air and transforming it into a doodle or journal entry. Join us in passing energy through the screen. Perhaps it might change the way you perceive pathways in space.

Actors, Dancers, Educators, Equestrians, Corporate Leadership Trainers, Therapists, Writers, Improvisers, Choreographers

*Dance Differently - A Virtual Movement Workshop
Thursdays ~ 4:30-6:40pm (EST)
Begins February 10th

Collaborative Teaching - JoAnna Mendl Shaw (NYC) & Audrey Rachelle (Seattle, WA)
with LIVE Musician Stewart Singer (Albuquerque, NM)

Geared towards more advanced movers.

To stay up to date with the most recent scheduling please follow us on our Facebook course page:

We can’t wait to see you there!
Xx JoAnna Mendl Shaw

Physical Listening, A Dancer’s Interspecies Journey

Imprinted, Dancing with Foals

Physical Listening Virtual LABS: For all curious movers
Mondays, 12-2:00 EST

Dance Differently Virtual Workshops
Tuesdays, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm EST


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