Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Two Ecuadorian folkloric dancers on the right, text information about the open call on the left Mariela Rea

Are you looking to learn Ecuadorian folkloric dances, meet other dancers, and travel to fun places to perform in front of adoring audiences? Ayazamana Dance Group is looking for you! 

The Ayazamana Dance Group will hold an open call on two consecutive Saturdays -- March 26 and April 2 -- in Astoria.

Ayazamana, which is part of the Ecuadorian American Cultural Center, has a repertoire consisting of more
than 15 diverse choreographies from all around the South American country. During these two-hour open
calls, participants will learn the dances and practice them. Then organizers will discuss membership
expectations as well as the benefits of joining the troupe. At the end, participants will have the opportunity to
ask questions and enjoy a healthy snack.

The workshops will take place at 25-28 Broadway (Lower Level) from 4 pm to 6 pm on both days. They are
free and open to the public. No prior experience is necessary, but aspiring dancers must be at least 13 years

The selectees will join the pre-professional teams for weekly rehearsals in Ayazamana’s Queens studio. This is
an excellent opportunity for high school students to strengthen their extracurricular resumes for college. Plus,
eligible participants can obtain an after-school program completion certificate. The program is free of cost and requires participants to join for at least one year.

For more information and to register, visit the Ecuadorian American Cultural Center’s
website or contact the group via Facebook or Instagram messaging.

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