Monday, March 7, 2022

VALLETO's Summer Intensive + Performance Project (SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE)

Summer Intensive Information Alba Garcia

VALLETO summer intensive is an 11-day dance training workshop from July 18th-July 30th, 2022, designed for dancers who wish to strengthen their techniques, expand their dance network, connect with their artistic mission and be in a creative and choreographic process. This intensive includes dance techniques such as floorwork, ballet, dance theater, partnering, improvisation, and flying low taught by invited guest artists and director Valeria Gonzalez. In addition to our physical training workshop, and our creative choreographic process, the students will have the time to engage in conversation, journaling, holistic methods and mentorship. Every VALLETO summer intensive culminates with a performance project open to the public.

This year’s guest artists include VALLETO Director Valeria Gonzalez, Paulina Espinosa (Flying Low), Two In Seven Billion (Floorwork), Nicole Gerkey (Nourish/Holistic Approaches), and more to be announced.

There are different payment options available for the intensive, including a five month, and four part payment plan, as well as two full scholarships. Costs for the intensive are as follows:

Full 10-day session + Performance Project: July 18th-July 30th, 2022

Early Bird: $950 (Deadline for Early Bird: March 31st)

Full Price: $1275

5-day session from July 18th-July 22nd:

One Week Early Bird: $500 (Deadline for Early Bird: March 31st)

One Week Regular Price: $700

To apply for our scholarship click here (deadline is March 25th).

To register for the intensive click here.

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