Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Brooklyn Utopias Along the Canal Interactive Performance Tour


Saturday, June 25, 2022; 1:00-3:00 pm *followed by a community conversation

Sunday, June 26, 2022: 1:00-3:00 pm



Brooklyn Utopias Along the Canal Interactive Performance Tour combines an informational walking tour with interactive activities and performances providing audiences with an immersive experience in the Gowanus neighborhood of Brooklyn. The tour brings audiences to locations that are significant to the remediation of the Gowanus Canal, rezoning of the area, and environmental issues in the community. At stops along the way, Artichoke Dance Company performs short site-inspired dance works and leads interactive experiences. Area community organizers and Gowanus Neighborhood Coalition for Justice members lead the walking tour, illuminating the neighborhood’s history and present-day realities from an environmental justice perspective. 


Both the Gowanus Canal and neighborhood have historically faced environmental challenges due to decades of industrial pollution. The Gowanus Canal was named New York City’s first superfund site because of the extreme toxicity in the canal. The canal was named New York City’s first superfund site due to extreme toxicity. Remediation is underway and the rapidly changing neighborhood is home to the largest scale rezoning in NYC in 20 years. 

Brooklyn Utopias Along the Canal Interactive Performance Tour is created by Artichoke Dance Company, an arts organization working at the intersection of performance innovation, environmental activism, education, community building and civic engagement. This production is being held as part of the Brooklyn Utopias Along the Canal exhibition co-produced by Arts Gowanus and the Old Stone House.



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