Wednesday, June 22, 2022
ETD Outreach Seeks Dance Instructors

ETD Outreach is currently seeking professional dance instructors to teach weekly, bi-weekly, and once a month. Candidates should have teaching expertise in a dance style such as Hip Hop, Dance Hall, Yoga, Latin Dances and Creative Movement to conduct weekly movement workshops in Brooklyn, and The Bronx.
ETD OUTREACH: Building communities through movement, ETD Outreach is a division of Eryc Taylor Dance that works to create positive social change by using dance as a tool to inspire and heal. Our unique initiative partners with supportive housing sites, hospitals, and community centers throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and beyond to curate movement workshops for vulnerable populations including mental illness, and/or disabilities.
Requirements for submission:
- USA work visa, passport or green card.
- At least TWO years of professional teaching experience
- Cover letter and resume
- At least 2 references and/or 1 letter of recommendation
- Independent contractor personal liability insurance (can be obtained after interview)
- Teaching reel or short videos of instruction (optional)
- If teaching somatic practice, must have certification/license.
Current Available Workshops in the Bronx:
Every Friday at 1:00PM
Last Friday of the month at 3:00PM
Dance Movement Therapists with significant teaching experience and educators with DMT coursework are also encouraged to apply!
Please submit all materials and contact information to
To learn more about ETD Outreach please visit us online at
ETD Outreach
New York, NY, 10036
For more information:
Liviya England