Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Youth America Grand Prix JOB FAIR is Back by Popular Demand!


ATTENTION: Dancers ages 17-24, all recent YAGP alumni, all current season senior age division participants, and graduating students from YAGP partner schools. 

USA Submission Deadline: January 15, 2023


On Saturday and Sunday, March 4th & 5th, 2023, auditions will be held in Nashville, Tennessee, and will be hosted by the Nashville Ballet. YAGP is the world's largest dance scholarship organization. Dancers are welcome to register for an opportunity to audition for professional contracts with the world's leading dance companies; A one-stop shop for American dance companies. 


The JOB FAIR features an impressive first-hand line-up of companies and their representatives, live-streamed and observed by the artistic directors of YAGP partner companies around the world. Companies include American Ballet Theatre Studio Company in New York City, Boston Ballet in Boston, Colorado Ballet in Denver, Los Angeles Ballet and Sacramento Ballet in California, Miami City Ballet, Orlando Ballet, and Sarasota Ballet in Florida, Oklahoma City Ballet and Tulsa Ballet in Oklahoma, Ballet Memphis and Nashville Ballet in Tennessee, and many more listed below. 


Atlanta Ballet – GEORGIA

Ballet West - UTAH

Cincinnati Ballet - OHIO

Houston Ballet – TEXAS

Joffrey Ballet - ILLINOIS

Milwaukee Ballet - WISCONSIN

Washington Ballet – WASHINGTON, DC


Submission Fee: $25

Registration Fee (for dancers): $80 for YAGP alumni; $100 for non-alumni


Dancers who have received 1st Place in the Classical Ballet category at any YAGP U.S. or international semi-final in the current (2023) or previous (2022) season.

Dancers from the graduating class of any YAGP-affiliated partner school, by personal recommendation of the School director


PLEASE NOTE: These companies confirmed their participation as of November 15, 2022. More companies will be added closer to the date of the audition.


Additional YAGP partner companies around the world will be represented via LIVESTREAM.


TO APPLY, visit


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