Monday, January 23, 2023

Call for Participants: Research on Fiscal Sponsorship

Black text on a marigold yellow background reads: Call for participants. Seeking dance artists who utilize(d) fiscal sponsorship

Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin seek dance artists who have previously engaged or are currently engaged with the practice of fiscal sponsorship to participate in a new study conducted by Rebecca Fitton, an M.A. Candidate in the Department of Theatre and Dance’s Performance as a Public Practice program. This student-led research will support Fitton’s M.A. thesis process which will culminate in April 2023.


This study aims to engage dance artists in the nonprofit dance field who utilize fiscal sponsorship in order to understand their experience with the financial mechanism. Voluntary participants will be expected to participate in a one-hour Zoom interview with the researcher(s).



“Mapping Fiscal Sponsorship” is a descriptive research study that aims to engage contemporary dance artists who utilize fiscal sponsorship as a facet of their business operations. Fiscal sponsorship is a legal arrangement in which a 501(c)(3) public charity/nonprofit provides financial oversight to an entity that does not have its own 501(c)(3) status. In the nonprofit dance ecology, fiscal sponsorship is most often used to increase funding opportunities, accept tax-deductible donations, and access business benefits (subsidized studio space rentals, equipment rentals, etc.) that are otherwise unavailable to unincorporated entities. 


The study seeks to discern the various kinds of engagements dance artists have with fiscal sponsorship and to identify trends across the nonprofit dance field. 


In order to participate, you must be eighteen (18) years old and self-identify as a dance artist in the nonprofit dance field who utilizes/utilized fiscal sponsorship to advance your career. Taking part in this research study is voluntary and requires a time commitment of one (1) hour. You do not have to participate, and you can stop at any time. For more information, questions, or to express interest in participating, please contact Rebecca Fitton at by February 3, 2023.


Thank you for your consideration.


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