Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Mignolo International Screendance Festival

Mignolo International Screendance Festival call for submissions advertisement. N/A

Mignolo International Screendance Festival is currently accepting films for their 2023 season!  
We are committed to celebrating the art of dance and filmmaking and providing a platform for emerging/established filmmakers to showcase their work. Selected films will have the opportunity to be screened in front of an in-person audience, including industry professionals, film enthusiasts, and fellow filmmakers. In addition to screening your film, submitters have an opportunity to be awarded cash prizes for "Best of the Fest" & "Honorable Mention". 
For more info, check out:  https://filmfreeway.com/mignolointernationalscreendancefestival  

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A dancer in the studio at Trinity Laban


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