Saturday, March 11, 2023

Physical Dance Theater program / VIM VIGOR in Michigan

VIM VIGOR summer program - man jumping and falling through space
August 7-11, 2023
MONDAY-FRIDAY, 9am-4:30pm
Intensive Cost - $550

VIM VIGOR’s SUMMER INTENSIVE provides immersive training and research in contemporary dance-theater in the US. The program is anchored in VIM VIGOR’s anatomically sound approach to floorwork in combination with our pioneering dance theater methodology, inviting participants to dive into adaptive and reactive physical pathways, to explore the body-based physics and emotional lines of complex partner work, and to engage narrative devices as an additional resource for improvisational and compositional approaches.

VIM’s program is focused on professional development with daily contemporary floorwork classes that improve dancers’ athleticism to move with efficiency and healthy alignment into and out of the floor, as well as their artistry to work with context, emotional impulse and the ensemble. Afternoons are dedicated to workshops focused on improvisation, contact partnering and momentum based mechanics, dance theater exploration, acting, as well as creating short choreographic works. Additionally each day begins and ends with different forms of bodywork – we find these shared moments of healing and reflection allow the efforts and questions of the day to merge with the body’s cycles of breath and recovery.

We are committed to nurturing professional dancers alongside artists seeking to expand the range of their technical and performance capability. And though we categorize this as an advanced program, we find that positive encouragement in tandem with creative modifications allow all to pursue their practice fully. Personal growth, communal investment, and evolving cutting edge practices are at the core of our shared work.

As active artists at the University of Michigan, the company is thrilled to welcome you into a state of the art facility in beautiful Ann Arbor. After three wildly successful programs that occurred during the pandemic, this year feels particularly special as we navigate mask-free collective spaces again. We are committed to supporting access to training and have subsidized our programming to reduce the overall tuition to reflect the financial situation many of us are facing due to the pandemic. Additionally in solidarity with VIM’s DEI initiatives we will offer two 50% scholarships for BIPOC movers interested in joining us.

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