Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Seeking BIPOC LGBTQIA+ performers with strong dance background



We are seeking BIPOC LGBTQIA+ (or Allied) performers with a strong dance background for nicHi douglas's piece being performed in Lincoln Centers Summer for the City program.

Must have strong Modern or Contemporary dance background
Must be comfortable improvising
Must be comfortable making physical contact* with the other dancers in the company
Must be comfortable working outdoors in summer heat
Must be available for all June rehearsals
*Consent & Intimacy practices will be discussed and implemented for every rehearsal and performance

Rehearsal and performance dates:

May 15th, 17th, 18th, 19th (11am-5pm)

Rehearsals (full company):
June 20th, 21st, 22nd (Time TBD but maximum 5hrs each)

Performances (outdoors on Lincoln Center's campus):
6/23 5:00 PM - 20min
6/30 5:00 PM - 20min
7/7 5:00 PM - 20min

Fee: $500 + $180 per day for each pre-rehearsal day attended

About the piece:
Public Displays of (self) Affection or PD(s)A is a radically real, arched-eyebrow wry, self-consciously ridiculous protest piece that demands not to be taken seriously. Queering the traditionally cis-het act of "PDA", PD(s)A reimagines performative relationship showboating into an open affirmation of self-love. This series of public action events, led by the LGBTQIA+ megaphone-armed PD(s)A dancers, turns New York City into an exhibitionist's soapbox for both company and audience to grandstand upon. Join in as the company firmly takes over the Lincoln Center campus with artistic displays of queerness and self-love, because, as Queen RuPaul says, "If you can't love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love somebody else?"

If you're interested in applying please reach out to Alverneq Lindsay ( with a video submission.

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A dancer in the studio at Trinity Laban


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