Saturday, July 29, 2023

APPLY NOW: When Waves Collide Music and Dance Festival 2023

When Waves Collide: A Music and Dance Festival Graphic designed by Lianna Bonacorsi

Calling all musicians! Calling all dancers! We invite you to apply to When Waves Collide Music and Dance Festival 2023!


When Waves Collide is a collaborative music and dance festival that connects professional musicians and dancers to create new work together. These new works will be presented in our live show hosted at 7pm on Friday, November 10th in Flemington, NJ. With this event, we hope to encourage cross-collaboration within our field, foster meaningful professional connections, and host an enjoyable and entertaining show for performers and audiences alike!


This opportunity is for artists who want to start a new creative process and build a collaborative relationship with someone new. Please know that this festival requires a commitment to getting to know your creative partner. We will have a mid-process check-in to help plan the program and gather materials for social media promos. If you cannot commit to this level of collaboration, are looking to present existing works, or promote independent projects, please do not apply.


Here’s how this works: submit an application with your personal information and professional experience by August 21st. All accepted performers will be sent a performance contract with further specific details that must be signed and returned by August 25th. At that time, you will be assigned an artist pairing (one musician to one dancer). While we encourage all who are interested to apply, we will be prioritizing new applicants for WWC 2023.


Event Summary:

What: When Waves Collide Music and Dance Festival 2023

Where: Flemington, NJ

When: Friday, November 10th at 7pm, meet-and-greet reception follows

Compensation: $100 per individual artist + photography and videography of performance (in-state travel assistance provided if necessary). If applying as a group of musicians or a group of dancers, the compensation is $100 for the group.

Hosted by: Nathan Bishop and Jessica Michal


Please apply at

For questions, please email us at


Funding made possible in part by the Hunterdon County Board of County Commissioners, through funds administered by the Cultural & Heritage Commission.

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