Monday, July 17, 2023

TU Dance: CULTIVATE, A Trainee Program

Photos of CULTIVATE trainee's solo performances Canaan Mattson

Inspired by the next generation of dance artists, CUL·TI·VATE is a program designed as a bridge for dancers with advanced training between their educational perspective and envisioning themselves in the professional field. Through classes, workshops, choreographic processes, mentorship, community engagement, teaching, performance and more, dancers will connect and share experiences as a collective as well as expressing and gaining momentum towards their individual interests and goals beyond their time in the program. CUL·TI·VATE will embrace and support each dancer while fostering their unique artistic path centered in TU Dance’s values of excellence, belonging, creativity and transformation.  *This is a PAID trainee program.


For more details, please see our online brochure:


Audition Requirements

Strongly encouraged to attend the TU Dance Summer Intensive (Level 4 or 5), July 24-August 12, 2023.
If unable to attend the Summer Intensive, please email the following to and by August 14, 2023. 

Resume and Cover Letter expressing your interest and goals for participating in CUL·TI·VATE. 
Performance Reel (3 minutes max and may include studio or performance footage which clearly shows the individual instead of group work)

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