Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Artichoke Ambassadors: An Eco-Arts Training Program

A group of people gather outside on a sidewalk. One person points away from the camera while the group looks and listens to her. Robin Michals

The Artichoke Ambassadors program symbiotically aligns environmentally conscious art making with climate and environmental justice action at collective and individual levels. This educational and mentorship program guides people to become creatively active in climate change, merging arts and activism practices. All artistic mediums are welcome.

The program will happen on Saturdays between October 14 - November 11 from 12-3PM EST via Zoom.


Please complete the short application form (linked below) to be considered for the program. Applications are due by September 29th at 11:59PM EST.


SCHOLARHIP OPPORTUNITIES: There are limited scholarship opportunities availabile, but we aim to make the program as accessible as possible to all who are interested in participating. If you require financial support to participate in the program, please complete the application form (linked above) by September 22nd at 11:59PM EST and indicate your interest in scholarship support. We will be in touch with you regardless!


The Artichoke Ambassadors program is led by Director of Artichoke Dance Company, Lynn Neuman, who is a national leader in eco-arts activism. Lynn, alongside co-facilitator Campbell Ives, lead the weekly sessions of Artichoke Ambassadors and invite in guests from across the globe that are leaders in climate science, activism, and eco-arts work. Sessions include guided discussions about varying climate-related topics, collaborative brainstorming sessions, and embodied movement explorations. Participants of all creative backgrounds are invited to join.


For over 20 years, Artichoke Dance Company has been working at the intersection of performance innovation and environmental activism, through community engagement events, performance programming, and the eco-arts training program, Artichoke Ambassadors. Under the direction of Director Lynn Neuman, the company has worked in New York and across the US, offering performance events, interactive educational opportunities, movement workshops, and community engagement programming related to climate activism.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about participating in the program, please email us at or via Instagram @artichokedance.


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