Thursday, October 19, 2023

Humanitarian Fine Art Project

fine art example - gaia, girl with a crown of flowers woven in hair rest her head on her knees covered in dirt. Pensive express Phil Mahabeer

I am hoping this is a neutral and supportive platform. 


I’d like to connect with Palestinian (whether by birth or descent) Dancers to collaborate in a humanitarian collaboration to produce work that can contribute to the awareness of the Palestinian people and support humanitarian efforts.


The intention is to create work that is thought provoking and articulates in a different way that words cannot. Dance and photography are such a means and how I'd like to support the people of Palestine.


We can engage others using our artistic gifts to change hearts and enlighten minds and this is the aim here.


The end result will be work to be shared on any of your platforms to spread awareness and hopefully to fund humanitarian aid and support from any prints that can be sold. This is intended as a means to support both in spirit and through direct aid and is not for profit or for fame. So please only reach out if you are committed to producing intentional work and process and not just a quick social media grab.


If that connects to your humanity and you know of anyone who could participate please do share and hopefully this can be an effort as artists to be a lighthouse in the darkness of ignorance. This is a call to action for artists.


Details of the nature and content of the project to be discussed after connecting.


Thank you all.

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