Tuesday, October 31, 2023

WestFest Dance Festival 2024 // Call for Applications!

Three dancers wearing colorful dresses stand with outstretched arms and joyful facial expressions. Company: The Journey Project for Dance | Photo: Steven Pisano

WestFest Dance Festival 2024 will present the works of emerging and established movement artists through two distinct programs: 

WestFest: Top Floor presents two programs of visionary artists in a traditional theater setting at the Martha Graham Studio Theater located on the 11th Floor of the Westbeth Artists' Residence. Each artist will have the opportunity to show a new work or revision of a recent piece (8 minute max) in two nights of shared performance: Program A on Thurs and Sat, April 25 and 27, or Program B on Fri and Sun, April 26 and 28.

WestFest: All Over Westbeth is a site-specific program showing a variety of unconventional and unique approaches to dance and space within the historic Westbeth Artists' Residence buildings. Each artist will be assigned a unique space in and around the Westbeth building in which they will have the opportunity to rehearse and build a dance. We ask that artists create a 4-5 minute piece that can be performed multiple times for groups of audiences touring the sites.

To apply, complete the application for the program in which you wish to participate: Top Floor or All Over Westbeth. Artists are warmly welcome to apply for both programs! 




Tech Rehearsal: Mon, Tues & Wed April 22-24; 20 min slot assigned between 5-9 PM

Performance Dates: Program A: Thurs & Sat, April 25 & 27, 7:00 PM | Program B: Fri & Sun, April 26 & 28, 7:00 PM


All Over Rehearsals: Sat February 10, 1-4 PM | Sat March 9, 1-4 PM | Sat April 6, 1-4 PM

Tech Rehearsal: Sat, April 20,  1-6 PM

Performance Dates: April 27th & 28th: Live performances scheduled from 1-4 PM 



-The opportunity to show new or revised work in a theater or site-specific setting

-FREE production costs

-Publicity and digital marketing materials for the event

-Professionally captured and edited photos

-Performance video



Early Bird Application Fee: $25 | Submit by December 15th at 11:59 PM ET

Additional $5 off (total $20) for early submissions by November 15th!

Regular Application Fee: $35 | Submit by December 31st at 11:59 PM ET

Applicants will be notified of acceptance via email no later than January 25th.


Questions? Email us at info@westfestdance.com

For more information and to apply visit www.westfestdance.com/applynow.

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