Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Looking for an additional dancer for April 2024 performances


Please read the following carefully:

David Appel is looking for an additional dancer to be part of a new Winter/Spring 2024 project that will be performed on April 12 and 13 at Green Space as part of their Take Root series.  

We will begin with once per week evening rehearsals starting in mid-January and running through early March. From then on we will likely have two evening rehearsals per week, culminating in the April shows (a split bill). Rehearsal times will generally be 6:30-8:30 pm, with time before that to warm up, and time briefly after to attend to any relevant logistics. [The only change occurring if it occasionally becomes necessary to reserve space from 6-8 pm instead.]

Initial rehearsals have been set for Tuesdays to accommodate the schedules of everyone currently on board, though adjustments should be possible along the way by collective agreement (though it will obviously be difficult to know far in advance what is or isn’t accessible space-wise).

The nature of and time limitations on this project are such that it will be unproductive to have situations where someone is absent more than once during the rehearsal period, or is unavailable for more than a week…so the expectation is that as/after rehearsals are set, all will honor the group’s interdependence and will be there (unless a person is too ill to do so).

The ideal individual: a mature, articulate mover who improvises well (alone and with others) beyond Contact Improvisation, and who can mesh with the several folks already involved (who’ve admittedly been dancing with each other for some time).

There will be a significant performance fee paid at the conclusion of the April engagement.

We will be inviting people to our rehearsal on Tuesday November 14 from 6:00-9:00 pm, in order to hopefully find someone who dances well/connects with the others.

If you have the experience indicated above, are interested, and are willing and able to make the consistent commitment necessary to be part of realizing what we’ll be up to, please reply to as soon as possible, with your contact information (including a phone number), a brief summary of your experience, and a resume (with dates). If appropriate, the 11/14 rehearsal location will then be sent to you.  Thanks!

To get a sense of some of David Appel’s previous work, you can visit the Video section of and look at the most recent group endeavors.

P.S. - Successful participation in this project may lead to others down the line as additional opportunities arise.

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