Thursday, March 14, 2024

7MPR Themed Dance Theater 2024 - The Seventh Midnight + Pride Month Celebration, June 2 (Deadline: 4/7/2024)

7MPR Pride Month Celebration  Illustration 7MPR Illustrator: Jordan Race

7MPR Theme Dance Theater - Midnights Performance Series 2024

7Midnights Physical Research is dedicated to the exploration of 7 social issues: Class, Education, Ability, Sexuality, Race, Age, and Gender, which are the 7 themes consisting of the concept of 7MPR’s main program, Themed Dance Theater through 7 performances. “Midnight” is a special time of perceiving self-consciousness, transforming new energy, recovering from trauma, refreshing thinking, forming ourselves in a timeframe of new physical and mental discovery. 

This June performance is the Seventh Midnight performance combined with the theme of Pride Month Celebration for NYC Pride Month, which will be the last midnight series of our Themed Dance Theater season 3. We would love to celebrate the wonderful time of the brilliant NYC Pride Month! 

Each choreographer’s work presented will express one or more than one topic aligning with the themes of the seven social issues, plus the big theme of support LGBTQIA community. We have successfully done six midnight performances throughout the years of 2022 - 2024, and now let's get ready for the seventh midnight performance in 2024!


Logistics of 7MPR Themed Dance Theater-Midnights Performance Series

Each of work must be no longer than 12mins. 8-10 works will be selected for each Midnight.

Tech/Dress rehearsal will be posted before the performance week. Each work will be allowed 20 minutes within four (or five) hours block.

Due to the nature of the space, lighting will be low-key but simple requests can be accommodated. Welcome to bring your own lighting design for your pieces.

There might be a Discussion Party following each show, no longer than 30 minutes depending on the time. 

The Seventh Midnight Performance + Pride Month Celebration will take place on June 2nd, 2024. Application deadline will be 4/7/2024.

Each performance will be an hour and 30 minutes in length (8-9:30pm) and might be changed sometimes.

Our performance venue will be at Arts On Site, Studio 3F.


How to Apply & Application Fee

Applicants will receive an Application Form after contacting us by our email: and all choreographers will be asked to fill out basic information about their proposed works. A link of work sample video is required for application, which can be a completed work, or a work-in-progress. Selected works will be announced to artists individually.

Each applicant will be charged a $20 application fee, which is required and non-refundable. Application fee will be sent to 7MPR via Venmo: @ThemedDanceTheater-7MPR or PayPal: PayPal.Me/7mpr which can be also found on the bottom of the application form. Additionally, there will be a donation-based service fee for both photos and video footages, if choreographers would like to receive their dance photos and videos from us, suggested donation will be $ 15-30. For dance photo and video footage, artists can pay any time before or after the performance day. 


Performance Dates

The Seventh Midnight Performance(Pride Month Celebration) – June 2nd, 2024


Tickets are provided at Arts On Site (link will be available in May)

Tickets at door: $25

Venmo: @ThemedDanceTheater-7MPR

PayPal Link: PayPal.Me/7mpr 

7MPR Fundraiser:

Suggested Donation: $10-20


If interested, please follow us: 



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A dancer in a black tutu and leotard and pointe shoes stands on one leg, with the other leg extended behind the body in a straight line. One arm is raised above the head and the other extended to the back parallel to the extended leg. The school director is opposite the dancer and wears a red DTH logo t-shirt and black pants and ballet slippers. She holds the hand of the arm raised above the dancer’s head with one arm and her back arm is extended and she is smiling at the student.


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A dancer in a black tutu and leotard and pointe shoes stands on one leg, with the other leg extended behind the body in a straight line. One arm is raised above the head and the other extended to the back parallel to the extended leg. The school director is opposite the dancer and wears a red DTH logo t-shirt and black pants and ballet slippers. She holds the hand of the arm raised above the dancer’s head with one arm and her back arm is extended and she is smiling at the student.

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