Sunday, May 12, 2024

Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company Audition and Summer Intensive

Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company audition and Summer Intensive Jeff Wang

The Nai-Ni Chen DanceCompany will hold its 2024 Summer Intensive at the Center for Creativity and Dance (Joyce East   287 E 10th St, New York, NY 10009) for weeks, one session per week.  First session will be from June 17 to June 21 3:30PM to 6:30PM in studio 4, and second Session will be from June 24 to June 28  1:00PM to 4:00PM in studio 1.  Each session will offer two classes: (1) Kinetic Spiral for movement coordination, technique improvement and  (2) Dancing with Props to further develop the dancer’s expression of technique.  Sign up link

Immediately after the Summer Intensive, the Company will hold auditions on June 29 and 30th, seeking dancers for the 2025 season.  We are looking for dancers with strong Modern, Contemporary, and Ballet but also a diverse range of skills, open to new ideas, commitment and dedication to the art form.  The Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company is one of the leading Asian American dance companies in the United States dedicated to uphold the late choreographer Nai-Ni Chen’s vision of cross-cultural dance that embodies equity, diversity and inclusion.  Register for the Audition via this form.  You will be required to submit video/resume/headshot.  We will invite you to the audition after reviewing your material.

More about our Summer Intensive:

Session 1: Floating Rainbows   June 1 7 to June 21 3:30PM to 6:30PM in studio 4

Exploring Kinetic Spiral - Nai-Ni Chen's signature technique combining the essence of Ballet/Modern with traditional Chinese movement training, QiGong, Tai Chi and Martial Arts.  This technique emphasizes breathing, tension/release, and the flow of energy using key movement phrases Company's cross-cultural repertory.

Floating Rainbow - Using the company’s special brand of lightweight silk ribbons in dance training enhances body awareness, fluidity, and grace, as the ribbons provide visual feedback on movements, demanding smooth, continuous motion. Ribbons improve coordination, control, and spatial awareness, extending the dancer's expressive capabilities and encouraging creativity in choreography. This approach not only strengthens muscles and endurance, especially in the arms and core, but also deepens the interpretative and emotional expression in dance performances.

Session 2: Wind and Thunder  June 24 to June 28  1:00PM to 4:00PM in studio 1. 

Kinetic Spiral - Nai-Ni Chen's signature techniques combining the essence of Ballet/Modern with Traditional Chinese training and ancient Chinese QiGong, Tai Chi and Martial Arts.  This technique emphasizes breathing, tension/release, and the flow of energy using key movement phrases Company's cross-cultural repertory.

Wind and Thunder - Using the Fan as a way to train the dexterity of the fingers and an extension of the wrist and hand.   Training with Kung Fu fans enhances a dancer's strength, precision, and control, while also improving coordination, spatial awareness, and timing due to the fans' extension of movement space. Fans serve as powerful expressive tools, adding dramatic and emotional depth to performances, and fostering a deeper connection to cultural and historical dance contexts. This unique integration of martial arts into dance not only elevates the physical conditioning and artistic versatility of dancers but also enriches the aesthetic appeal and narrative depth of their performances.


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