Wednesday, September 11, 2024

International Call for a New Choreographic Creation

Biennale Danza 2024_Alan Lucien Oyen Mats Backer

La Biennale di Venezia's Dance Department promotes a multi-year programme aimed at supporting the production (or co-production) of new works by international choreographers or dance companies. 
In order to participate in the selection, it is necessary to propose an original choreographic project (which has never premiered either in studio or full form).

Modalities of participation

The documentation to participate in the selection - which must be submitted no later than 20 October 2024 via an online application form - consists of:

- description of the artistic project in English (max. 1 A4 page, front only), specifying any partners and their contribution to the coproduction
- link to video of 5-10 minutes max (which may include, by way of example, short dance clips, choreographic draft, discursive/explanatory part in English: anything that can best express the concept of the project).


The selected project - which will need to be adapted for the Biennale venues - will be supported by the Foundation with a contribution of up to € 30,000.00.

La Biennale will also contribute to cover the following expenses:

· artistic cachet for the Venice debut;
· travel and accommodation expenses of the choreographer or the company for the debut in Venice;
· expenses related to the technical rider for the Venice debut

The performance will make its debut (world premiere) as part of the Biennale Danza 2025.

The Artistic Director of the Dance Department, Wayne McGregor, will make the selection at his sole discretion, based on the materials submitted.

The outcome of the selection will be announced by the end of November 2024.



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