Monday, October 21, 2024
Dance Studio Supervisor

Spanish Speaking Studio Assistant
Groove With Me, Inc. is a youth development organization using free dance classes and performance opportunities as a tool to instill in young women the leadership, pride, spirit of cooperation, creativity, joy, and discipline needed to confront adversity in their daily lives and throughout their future development. The program seeks to decrease teen pregnancy, truancy, crime, violence, prostitution, substance abuse, and gang-related activity by nurturing youth, building self-confidence, offering positive choices, and providing a safe place to go.
The Studio Assistant has hands on, first line, direct support of the programming - the dance classes. She helps the afternoon run smoothly by matching children to their parents, supporting the waiting room, answering the door and phone, and lending a hand to the teachers. The Studio Assistant is front of house so must maintain a courteous and professional demeanor both in speech and appearance. We are looking for an extremely organized person with excellent oral and written communication skills, an ability to communicate in an accurate and professional manner, and ability to adapt to change.
Required Skills:
Spanish fluency required
Office administration & management experience
Database functionality
Social media use
Writing electronic newsletters (Constant Contact), design (Canva)
Attention to detail with excellent time management skills
Ability to work autonomously and in teams in a fast-paced environment
Highly organized and creative with a deep enthusiasm for the arts
Experience working with children and families
Job Type:
Part-time - 25 hours per week
September - June:
Monday - Friday 4pm-8pm
Saturday - 10:30-3:30
July & August
Monday - Thursday- 10am-2pm
1. Programming
After School supervision
Prepare for the recital
Inventory costumes and in-kind donations
Support trips, events in the studio, external performances
2. Database organization
Ensuring the accuracy of students’ info and enrollment
Keep current & up to date
Able to run reports
3. Marketing/ promotional efforts
Daily social media posts
Electronic newsletter to donors & families
4. Other tasks as requested
Groove With Me
1785 Park Ave. 3rd Floor Groove With Me
Manhattan, NY, 10035
For more information:
Abby McCreath