Thursday, January 2, 2025
Inspired by comedy open mics and the NYC drop-in dance workshop scene, OpenRhythMic is a new dance format intended to bring together dance artists from a variety of disciplines and bridge the gap between performer and audience.
The first hour of the evening will be a showcase of 6-10 dance performances. At the end of the first hour, attendees will choose by majority vote which piece from the evening that they would like to learn. During the second hour, the selected performer will lead a class where they teach a short excerpt of their choreography from the evening.
Dance performers may sign up on a first-come, first-served basis for a 5 or 10 minute performance slot. Performers and groups of all dance styles are encouraged to sign up, and will be granted a small stipend for their work. The performance and class will be filmed.
The third OpenRhythMic gathering will be held on Sunday, Jan 26, from 6pm-9pm. If you are interested in signing up to perform, please use the following link. Sign ups are first-come, first-serve, and are now open. Follow us on Instagram @openrhythmic to stay up to date and for more details!
For more information:
Jeevika Bhat