Tuesday, March 11, 2025

MADE BY WOMEN Workshop 2025

A picture of two female identifying dancers partnering, text about the workshop

Dual Rivet is excited to offer another 7-hour, high intensity workshop comprised of the key technical and theatrical elements the company works with. This year’s Faculty includes Dual Rivet, Kimie Parker / Sidra Bell Dance New York, and Isadora Wolfe/Punchdrunk! The workshop will dive deep into theatrical exploration,  floorwork technique, states of tension, improvisation and partnering repertoire. This workshop is designed to push our understanding of our physicality as movers, explore our technique through physical communication, and delve into exciting character development. We are so excited to share our highly physical, contemporary movement with the community.

WHO: Dual Rivet with Guest Teaching Artists Kimie Parker / Sidra Bell Dance New York & Isadora Wolfe

WHEN: Saturday, March 22nd | 10AM - 5:00 PM

10:00am-11:30pm | FLOORWORK with Dual Rivet

11:30pm-1:30pm | CONTEMPORARY SYSTEMS with Kimie Parker / SBDNY

1:30pm-2:00pm Lunch

2:00pm-3:30pm | PARTNERING with Dual Rivet

3:30pm-5:00pm |  STATES + STORY with Isadora Wolfe / Punchdrunk

WHERE: Joyce Studios, NYCC&D 287 East 10th Street New York, NY 10009


More info: www.dualrivetdance.com/workshop 

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