April 30 - May 1, 2016

Shared Evening: Paula Josa-Jones, Amanda Loulaki, Yvonne Meier

  Shared Evening: Paula Josa-Jones, Amanda Loulaki, Yvonne Meier

Durch Nacht und Nebel

by: Yvonne Meier

This piece is more then any thing about body politics, as YM is covering her voluptuous body with 1500 band aids followed by a provocative shaking dance.Sape shifting as well as memories of ancient fairy tails come up as YM transforms her self into a wolf.The wolf act is simultaneous scary,sad and funny. Finally the excerpt ends with a stop motion movie about "bad Babies" by Michael Stiller and Yvonne Meier. 

house of wind (a process for Untitled two)

by: Amanda Loulaki

This new work explores the notion of movement as an object, presenting the body as a container of history, and the space as a container of the body.

house of wind (a process for Untitled two) is being researched and developed with financial, administrative and residency support from the Dance in Process Program at Gibney Dance with funds provided by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.”

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