Wednesday, December 31, 1969

16th Annual Summer Workshop

16th Annual Summer Workshop Photo by Paula Lobo, Design by Sandy Graff, rpm:projects

Our workshops are grounded in a straightforward philosophy. Movement classes are designed to build technical strength and body awareness, but this is only one small aspect of how we develop asthinking dance artists. As a choreographer, I have always embraced the qualities that each of us possess as unique movers. A need to unearth those qualities is what continually draws me to this remarkable art form and creates the center of every work I’ve created. Our work is threaded together with a sense of humanity that embraces the individual within the community. These workshops are a safe haven for exploration in an environment that challenges both body and mind.  

The Summer Workshop is an immersive three-week journey that allows us to invest deeply in our own individual growth.  We'll live together, works together, and create together, spending full days integrating ideas from a diverse offering of classes, electives and community events. Our workshops provide a supportive community in which to discover new challenges. I am confident that the unique structures and the personal teaching approach of the Company will leave you with new ideas, answers and questions about why we do what we do. I hope you will join us.

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