August, 9-11, 2013
2013 Contemporary Summer Workshop featuring Caroline Fermin of GALLIM DANCE, Sidra Bell of SDBNY, and more!
Company: Amalgamate Dance Company
Venue: Bridge for Dance Studios
Location: New York, NY
ADC CONTEMPORARY SUMMER WORKSHOP, NYC AUGUST 9-11, 2013 "Amalgamating" NYCs diverse expert teachers, choreographers and techniques; this 3 Day workshop features Caroline Fermin of GALLIM DANCE, Sidra Bell of SDBNY, Jessica Taylor of DAMAGEDANCE, Douglas Gillespie of KATE WEARE COMPANY & Alana Marie Urda of AMALGAMATE DANCE COMPANY. Designed for contemporary dancers who are passionate about expanding their artistry, technique, partnering, and improvisation skills. Opportunity to perform in culminating showcase. Registration = Affordability. WORKSHOP RATES: Full Workshop (7 Classes, 3 Rep Sessions, Perform in show) $200.00 Partial Workshop (7 Classes, No Rep Sessions, Attend Show) $140.00
Amalgamate Dance Company
2726 Broadway, 3rd Floor
New York, NY, 10025
August 9, 2013: 5:00pm
August 10, 2013: 11:00am
August 11, 2013: 11:00am