July 27 - August 2, 2022

2021 Virtual Summer Intensive

Nadia Adame and JanpiStar demonstrate an improvisation exercise in an in-person dance workshop while participants look on. Nick Flagg

AXIS Dance Company invites disabled and non-disabled dancers from around the world to engage, share and learn from one another and the AXIS dancers and staff for our annual Summer Intensive.

Held virtually on Zoom, students will learn new skills in three different modules derived from the company’s working ethos and repertoire that will enhance and develop their own practice in improvisation, choreography and performance, and dance education. Our teacher training module provides professional dance teachers and experienced artists the chance to enhance their skills and working methods in inclusive dance and translation for dancers with physical disabilities. Following the three module days we are offering programming focused on fully accessible movement classes that close with “Radical Chats” – facilitated discussions on personal disability education and advocacy in the arts.

APPLY: axisdance.org/summer-intensive


ALL DAYS MEET 12:00 - 5:00pm ET / 9:00am-2:00pm PT
(note, the Teacher Training module includes additional chat time 5-6pm 2-3pm PT)

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